Hi, my name is Doru and I'm the 3D environment and prop artist.
This week, while some of the team started
concepting the large environment this scene will be a part of, I wanted to
setup a fast prop and texture creation pipeline that involves as little
creation of high poly assets and baking as possible. To this end I tried the
technique I read in this article: http://bit.ly/1WMKweO.
I started by making a quick
generic sci-fi prop and rounded all the edges so it looks smooth. The big
downside, of course, is an increase in the number of triangles needed. I didn't
spend much time on the design as I only wanted to test this technique.
As you can see, in this case the number of triangles has almost
quadrupled. But you save a lot of time spent in creating the high poly, cage,
baking and refining the low poly.
After the geometry was finished I unwrapped the model. I kept the uv's
as straight as possible, but in retrospect I could have done a better job as
there were a few issues I noticed when I started the next step.
I brought the mesh to Photoshop and the Quixel suite, where I detailed
the flat areas with masks, shapes and selections which the program transforms
into a normal map. This was a lot of trial and error, but in the end I tested
as many types of shape, textures and techniques in getting them, as I thought
This is the result.
The last process was the easiest one for me. I created a few masks and
brought the whole thing to Substance Painter where I textured it, using a mix
of generated masks and hand painted details.
I was pretty happy with the end result and I think this technique has
a lot of merit and will certainly find a place in my workflow. I will need to
spend a bit more time on the design though.